
QR Code for Baby Shower Pictures to Cherish Forever

With Eventoly, you can create a QR Code for baby shower photos in a few clicks. You get unlimited uploads, a full 12-month storage, video support, an unbeatable price and more.

Eventoly baby shower photos
Setup in 3 steps
20 photos free to upload
No login required for guests

How does it work?

How to create a QR code for Baby Shower pictures?

How to make a shared album for a party
Step 1

Sign In & Create an Event

Create a digital album for your baby shower pictures and customize settings to let guests view or download.

Share the QR Code
Step 2

Share QR Code or Link

Share your upload link or display a QR code at your venue using our ready-to-print Canva QR Code templates. Just replace the existing QR with yours and print it.

Party Shared Album
Step 3

Enjoy Photos & Videos

Guests upload photos and videos by scanning the QR Code. You can then easily access and download all baby shower photos and videos in one click after the event.

Features: Event Photo Sharing with QR Code

Create a Timeless Wedding Photo book to Treasure Forever

Private QR Code

Unlimited Photos & Videos

12-month Access

Unlimited Guests

No App Download Needed

No Guest Login Required

Private QR Code

  • Unique and private QR Code
  • Privacy settings to disallow guest view/download
Learn More

QR Code for Baby Shower Pictures Made Simple

With a QR Code for Baby Showers, guests can easily upload pictures and videos to a shared gallery — no app required! Create a personalized Photo Gallery for Your Baby Shower and capture every special moment effortlessly. Want to add more excitement? Try our Live Digital Photo Wall and watch your memories come to life in real-time.

Explore pricing
Event Photo Sharing with QR Code

Photo Sharing forAny Event

Need a QR code for wedding pictures? We’ve got you covered!

Wedding photo album...
Birthday photo album...
Baby Showers
Baby Shower photo album
Event photo sharing...


Frequently Asked Questions
  • No, guests can upload photos and videos directly using the QR code, without needing to download anything.
  • Absolutely. As long as you are connected to internet, you and your guests can use Eventoly.
  • Sign up on an event photo sharing platform like Eventoly. Once you create an event, Eventoly will automatically generate a QR Code your guests can use to upload photos.
  • Yes, as the event admin, you can delete photos and videos by logging in to Eeventoly. Guests cannot delete photos and videos.
  • There is a setting to enable or disable guest view. As the event admin, you can adjust the settings by logging in to Eventoly.
  • Yes. Once you log in to your dashboard, you can navigate to Album menu and click Download All.
  • 12 months after the upload date. Youcan find the upload date for each file by clicking Info.
  • Absolutely. You can with the click of a button start a slideshow and show media as guests upload them.
  • Our platform is designed for simplicity. Unlike complex services like Google Cloud, which require setup and have storage limits, we offer a seamless experience with no logins required, no advanced planning needed, and a custom QR code for your event. It’s hassle-free.
  • Absolutely. Your photos are 100% private. You control whether guests can view and download them. We don’t use or share your photos in any way.
  • You have full control. If needed, you can disable guest viewing during the event, and once you’ve reviewed the photos, you can re-enable guest access.
  • There is a free version for trying before purchasing. We offer a refund if you ended up not using Eventoly for your event.

  • Contact us by email at support@eventoly.com